Thursday, October 28, 2010

More Symmetry!

My kids have really took off with the concept of symmetry.  They love to say "symmetrical"'s such a big word for them, yet for the most part understand what it means.  We sorted mini die-cut shapes into symmetrical or not symmetrical.  I loved the conversations going on as I walked around the room.  They were checking out all sides of those shapes and discussing which shapes looked the same on both sides and which ones did not.  They also were learning that it depends on the way you fold a shape to figure out if it was symmetrical or not.  We also played a game with a partner where one student started a design their partner had to copy the design so that it showed symmetry.


  1. I love your symmetrical sort mats! Do you have it available to share? I would love a copy to use with my students this week when we talk about symmetry! =)

  2. I am trying to plan for next year and I ran across this! Hooray, I love your tanagram symmetry games the kids are playing! Thank you for sharing this. I was trying to find other ways to incorporate symmetry!
    Kindergarten Teacher
