Friday, November 8, 2013

Five for Friday--First Timer! Plus, Some Halloween Ideas

Well, after *however long* Kacey over at Doodlebugs has been hosting Five for Friday, I have finally made myself link up!  

I'm tired girls (maybe even a guy or 2)!  And, my husband is dragging taking me to the Alabama game tomorrow which means no rest for this girl…I do love me some Alabama football; however, I am not thrilled about freezing my buns off for several hours!  With that said, I don't have a lot of pictures this week.  

I totally missed posting about some of the fun things we do in our classroom Halloween day and the day after so I'm putting those things first.

I inherited this fun idea from a co-worker of mine (who is now an angel in Heaven) and I think of her every time we do it.  First, grab a pot like the one you see below and fill with candies.
 Next, crinkle some black butcher paper so it covers the candies.
 Then, make up some letter, word, or picture cards to throw on top of the black paper.
I used die-cut pumpkins to make it more seasonal, but you could use anything.  And, I made a variety of pumpkins.  Okay, the fun part…Turn all the lights off so it's dark and gather together at the rug.  Tell your kiddos that you're about to make a magical brew and you need their help.  *Before beginning show them the "empty" pot…remember the black paper is covering the candies.  Quickly flash the pot before them…don't give them too much time to inspect the pot or they might notice the paper.  Give every student a card.  They must tell you what is on their card correctly before throwing it in the pot.  After every student has added their magical ingredient (the cards) have them stand up. 
You will sing this in a scraggly voice while stirring up the cards: Stirring, and stirring, and stirring my brew.  Stirring, and stirring, and stirring my brew. (whisper the words) Tip toe, tip toe as you inch closer together in the circle.  Repeat once…then on the last tip toe, yell BOO! 
When you yell boo, you will quickly flip the black paper over so the candies are on top and the cards are under the black paper.  Ta-da!  Magic!  The cards turned magically into candy….I'm telling you it might be the funnest thing we do all year.  My kids go crazy over this every year!  They absolutely love it so much!  

The day after Halloween we make this candy graph and these cute little candy crafts.
We've been working on adjectives a lot and learning about poems.  Aren't they cute?

I have a TON of Halloween books that I absolutely love…The Three Bear's Halloween is just  too cute!  After reading the book, each student gets a piece of candy corn.  We talk about how it has 3 colors and 3 parts, just like stories do…a beginning, middle, and an end.
We retell each part of the story using our candy corn and eating the appropriate part.  I do the writing on our chart while they are retelling and munching.

We practice 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Indians and make this little cutie!

And, last but not least, we make these every year.  They make our room look very festive and the parents love them when they come to our program each year!
You can find this craft HERE with all the patterns and directions.  :)

Happy Friday friends!!


  1. I love the special alphabet brew. I will definitely have to do this with my kinders. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Love those Native Americans- they are festive!! Have fun at the Alabama game! You'll love it once you are there, even if you are a little tired on the way!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  3. LOVE the witch brew idea! That's definitely something I could use with my speech kids!
    Hate that you're having to go the Bama game...Go VOLS! (ha,ha!)

  4. Your ideas are so amazing! Do you have any games and centers that connect to Reading Streets for December/January. My Kinders are loving the centers I got from you for Fall.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thanks! All, of my centers go right along with Reading Street…so any of my winter, seasonal units match up. :)

  5. AHHHH! (happy scream). I have used the Witches' Brew poem for years-since I taught preschool (10 years ago-for14 years)! I add a Oooo, Ooo to the end of each line for a dramatic flair. I love the trick to the pot this will put my littles over the edge next time! Thanks for sharing an oldie but goodie.

  6. I love your blog. I always get the best ideas here. We are doing the Native Americans! Thanks so much for all the help!

  7. Beautiful :)

  8. I love the candy craft! Halloween is over, but I will be finding a way to make those work for me somehow. :)


  9. Here are some other ideas from the NHSA on teaching about Native Americans. I would suggest taking a look.

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