Monday, June 2, 2014

10 Things I Want to do this Summer Linky!

Hey y'all!  It's our first "official" day of summer and I'm linking up with Deanna over at Mrs. Jump's Class for the 10 Things I want to do the Summer Linky!  Here goes, in no particular order...

Organize my kitchen cabinets!
Anybody have any good ideas on how to store all those plastic lids for your tupperware???
 Organize pretty much every closet in our house...there's stuff thrown up there that I honestly don't know what to do with...but my mission is to find a place for everything!
 I've had this chalk wall for quite some time now and have some ideas for it, but I'm hoping to get it really going this summer.
 I want to spend LOTS of quality time with my babies...when I say quality I mean, playing games, reading books, riding bikes, having picnics, playing in general, having sleepovers...the whole she-bang!  I want to enjoy every minute with them!!
 Go back to the beach!!  6 weeks...can't wait!
 Get a head start on planning his 2nd B'day party!  I know once school starts, I'll forget about planning and have to throw something together last minute and I do NOT want that...
We're doing a Pirate Party and I've already been pinning like crazy!

Drink more water...y'all...I'm bad...really bad about drinking water.  
I need to do better.
Exercise...I hate it!  
There's nothing about it that sounds enticing to me...but, I need to walk...I have this treadmill upstairs at my house and it never gets used...
Learn how to cook some new dishes...that are quick and easy...things I can make during hectic school life.
And, work a little on school stuff...I have a *few* (doesn't even begin to say how many) things on my to do list that I want to get done in 8 weeks!

What are you doin' this summer?
Have a favorite recipe?  Leave the link below :)


  1. I found some interval runs on the internet and that has helped me going on the treadmill. Because you change up your speed frequently, it seems to go faster and you burn more calories!

  2. Organizing my closets…I SO need to do that!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. Sounds like a busy summer ahead--always is!! Just found your blog through your feedback in my TpT graphics store. I am a new follower! :0)

    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers

  4. I too need to walk, or run or any form of exercise will do, and get my cabinets organized. Right now I have a medium sized drawer that I throw all my plastic lids in. It is not ideal, since sometimes I have to dig around to find the lid I want, but it is working for now. At least they are not falling out of the cupboard when I open I too love the beach and am looking forward to a week of sun and sand the last week of July and I can't wait. Enjoy your time with your kiddos.

    Luv My Kinders
