Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Workin' On It Linky and Giveaway WINNER!!

Hey y'all!  Busy does not even  begin to describe our summer so far...but I love it and wouldn't have it any other way!  So far, we've been up to our ears in swimming girls are getting so good y'all...which makes this momma who tends to freak out when it comes to water happy!  And, VBS starts next week!  My sis and I are teaching music class so we've been practicing learning all the songs and motions!!  Anybody else out there doing Agency D3?  I love the songs!  Here's a couple of pictures of my little cuties.  Can you tell the personality differences?!?  HA!

In other news, I've really been working hard on getting my to-do list shorter as far as units go.  Last summer, I was totally lazy then when it was time for school I was in a panic trying to get things made.  So, I'm trying to do better.  Here's what I've been working on and am currently working on.  
 I absolutely loved my Hands On Alphabet Journal from last school year, so I knew I wanted one for math as well!  
I learned how to merge products so I can bundle!!  Yay for me!

These two aren't finished yet!  Hopefully soon!

Any suggestions, ideas, or need for either of these 2 packets??  Please leave comments below!!
Congrats to Amy B. #427 for winning the easel giveaway!! You've been e-mailed! 
Thanks to everyone for participating and be looking for another fun giveaway coming soon! 
If you're still reading this post, Kiss Your Brain!  :)
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Oh my! How do you find the time to get all that done!?!?! Have fun at VBS! Thanks for linking up.

  2. I actually just got home from church. We were working on the songs and musical for D3 too! Our VBS starts next week too.
    Karen Rowland
    Adventures With Firsties

  3. Yes, we just finished D3 last week. We averaged 2300 kids a day!! It was AWESOME. I did music as well ~ I do it every year. Fun, fun, fun!!!

  4. My summer is recovering from surgery, but gives me lots of time to catch up on my blogs. I would love the Hand's On Journals. Always need more journals. Enjoy watching the little mermaids. Karen

  5. There are six extensive parks that offer b-ball courts, tennis courts, wilderness rec centers, and soccer and baseball fields. Like to swim? Bicycle? Las sendas has a group swimming pool complete with swim associations sorted out by a profoundly gifted proficient exercises executive, and miles and miles of biking and climbing trails. check cashing san-diego
