Monday, August 18, 2014

It's Who Am I Monday with Blog Hoppin'!

It's that time of year again...Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week 2014.  I pretty much kept my post from last year because it just about sums me up!  :)
I added a few photos and changed a couple words.
Feel free to link up with Blog Hoppin' all week!

1. I have an amazing family!  God has blessed me SO very much!  I have a wonderful husband and amazing daddy to our 3 beautiful children!  And, most of you probably know that I have an identical twin sister, Amy Hope.  I also have an older brother.  We have amazing parents that I can't say enough about!  

2.  I live in the South and don't like Sweet Tea.  I'm a Mt. Dew addict and this little drink below (Livewire) is my favorite, but we don't have it in Alabama.
3. I don't wear tennis shoes...ever!  Nope, I'm a flip-flop kinda girl until November then it's boots!

4. I {heart} Christian music...currently obsessed with Christy Nockels and Francesca Battistelli

5. I'm a total "Night Owl"!  I really love to stay up late, IF and only if I can sleep late!  If I can't, then I need at least 9 hours of sleep...10 would be ideal!

6. I secretly love "Good Luck Charlie"...who am I might as well throw "Jessie" in there too...and let's don't forget "The Hive"!  Can you say Dork?  I live with 3 children...I don't have time for adult t.v.  I do record The Bachelor & Tia & Tamera.  

7. I don't go anywhere without earrings and eyeliner.

8. I'm obsessed with dressing my girls's a few examples.  It bothers me if their clothes do not match...for real!  They showed up at church one Sunday not dressed alike and my brother asked if I was sick!  I'll soon have to put my desires aside because my almost 7 year old is already rebelling at the clothes I pick out...Boo!  

9. I am a horrible decision maker.  I get this from my mother!  Where to eat?  Which color to buy?  What to do?  I don't know...don't ask me!

10.  Likes & Dislikes:
Likes: the beach, pink, fall, Christmas, TJ Maxx, Vera Bradley, Brighton jewelry, DESSERT!
Dislikes:  exercising, mayonnaise, meat on the bone (yuck!), bugs, waiting at restaurants, & smoke!


  1. You are so adorable Julie! Loved reading these tidbits about you!

  2. So fun! I love Christy Nockels and Francesca Battistelli! Kari Jobe is also becoming one of my faves! Your girls are precious!
    Chalkboard Charm

  3. I love Francesca Battistelli too! Your girls are adorable! What fun dressing two girls!! Enjoy while it lasts!

  4. Your family is precious! I second not going anywhere without earrings! I always put them on :) Nice to meet you on the blog hop!

  5. Your kids wear the cutest clothes!!
