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Monday, June 23, 2014

My Favorite Things Giveaway! Matilda Jane

Ok, so this post isn't school related at all.  However, my plan was to do some of my favorite things giveaways this summer and let's face it...I'm totally in love with Matilda Jane Clothing.  Matilda Jane was so great to work with in setting up this giveaway.  I explained how much I adored their clothing for my little girls, and they were more than happy to give a prize to one of my sweet readers!  

Now, listen, if you don't have children or girls for that matter...no worries.  They sell women's clothing as well!  Precious!  Or, what a great pay it forward opportunity for any little girl that you know...niece, friend, granddaughter!  Anyone can enter!!

I just had to post some of their adorable clothing (modeled by my girls)  for you all to see!  So how did I make, beg, plead, bargain get them to try on 4 different outfits, you ask???  Have a Fashion Show, of course!!!  So I'm like, "Girls, I know...let's play dress up and have a fashion show!"  And they're like, "Yeah!"  (It so worked)

I'm NO photographer, but I like to pretend to be!  Please take a seat so the fashion show can begin!  
***dim the lights*** 
***cue the music***

 Cake Walk Tank Dress
 Rollercoaster Tiered Dress

 Favorite Things Peasant Top and Red Rover Bennys
 Pontoon Halter Top and Masquerade Big Ruffles
 Bake Sale Top and Landscape Big Ruffles
 3 Ring Sara Top and Kazoo Shorties

 American Beauty Dress and Argyle Leggings
 Blue Pearl Dress and Jack Big Ruffles

What do you think?
You could win a $50.00 gift card towards any Matilda Jane purchase!!
Enter by using the options below.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Workin' On It Linky and Giveaway WINNER!!

Hey y'all!  Busy does not even  begin to describe our summer so far...but I love it and wouldn't have it any other way!  So far, we've been up to our ears in swimming lessons...my girls are getting so good y'all...which makes this momma who tends to freak out when it comes to water happy!  And, VBS starts next week!  My sis and I are teaching music class so we've been practicing learning all the songs and motions!!  Anybody else out there doing Agency D3?  I love the songs!  Here's a couple of pictures of my little cuties.  Can you tell the personality differences?!?  HA!

In other news, I've really been working hard on getting my to-do list shorter as far as units go.  Last summer, I was totally lazy then when it was time for school I was in a panic trying to get things made.  So, I'm trying to do better.  Here's what I've been working on and am currently working on.  
 I absolutely loved my Hands On Alphabet Journal from last school year, so I knew I wanted one for math as well!  
I learned how to merge products so I can bundle!!  Yay for me!

These two aren't finished yet!  Hopefully soon!

Any suggestions, ideas, or need for either of these 2 packets??  Please leave comments below!!
Congrats to Amy B. #427 for winning the easel giveaway!! You've been e-mailed! 
Thanks to everyone for participating and be looking for another fun giveaway coming soon! 
If you're still reading this post, Kiss Your Brain!  :)
Happy Wednesday!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Reading Writing Easel GIVEAWAY!

If you read my last post I said I had some exciting news for you today...well, get ready for this!
I, along with Copernicus Educational Products, am giving away this amazing prize...a Regal Reading Writing Center to one lucky blog reader!!  This prize is valued at $340.00!  How awesome is that?!?!?!
I have 2 easels from Copernicus Ed in my classroom that I absolutely would have a hard time teaching without.  These are lifesavers for whole group and small group instruction.  These products have so many storage possibilities that allow me to have everything right at my fingertips.

Seriously, LOVE!

Wouldn't you love to have this arriving at your doorsteps in a few weeks...just in time to get your classroom set back up for next school year?  Well, all you have to do to enter is follow these easy steps.  You can get up to 7 entries for completing all the steps!  Easy Peasy Lemon squeezy!

Now, enter and share with all of your teacher friends!  Don't delay; giveaway ends Sunday night!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Five for Friday!

Hey y'all!  My first week of summer is almost behind us and it's been a busy one.  If you read my last post you know that I've got a lot to do this summer...not much of anything way important, but just little things.  If you didn't see it, just scroll down to find it.  I'm linking up with Kacey over at Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday.

1.  I cooked a new thing!  You're gonna die when I tell you what it is...promise not to laugh....pan-fried pork chops!  HA!  No, I don't cook much...so it was a first for me and I was proud because everyone at the table loved them!  I forgot to take a picture.  Shoot.

2.  My girls and I and the hubs have been playing board games...our newest one is Eye Found It.  Have you ever heard of it?  It's a disney game the girls got for Christmas.  It's like a Giant 6 ft. long board with all things disney and you have to spy certain things before the clock strikes midnight.

3.  Are you on Instagram?  You can follow me here if you are.  If you already follow me you know that I found a new chair for my classroom!  I'm in love.  After seeing Michelle's chair on Instagram I just had to have one myself.  And, it's half-off price made it even better.  Look at it.  Isn't it great?!  You *might* can find one at Hobby Lobby if they aren't sold out!

4.  "I hate playin' in the rain!", said NO kid EVER!  Just so happened after a cast lunch it was pouring rain and our car was a few minutes walk away...Oh well!  That's just one thing to check off my Summer Bucket List!  Fun, fun!
5.  Speaking of CAST, my daughter is a little orphan in the Annie Jr. Play at her school!  It is absolutely adorable!  We eat, sleep, and breathe Annie right now.  Like, everyone in our house knows every word to every song, knows all the lines from every character, and the right motions to do.

Well, that about sums up my week.
If you're still reading, I've got something GREAT up my sleeve for *hopefully* next week!  Can't wait to share it with you.  Follow my blog so you don't miss out!
Would love to read your comments below.  :)

Monday, June 2, 2014

10 Things I Want to do this Summer Linky!

Hey y'all!  It's our first "official" day of summer and I'm linking up with Deanna over at Mrs. Jump's Class for the 10 Things I want to do the Summer Linky!  Here goes, in no particular order...

Organize my kitchen cabinets!
Anybody have any good ideas on how to store all those plastic lids for your tupperware???
 Organize pretty much every closet in our house...there's stuff thrown up there that I honestly don't know what to do with...but my mission is to find a place for everything!
 I've had this chalk wall for quite some time now and have some ideas for it, but I'm hoping to get it really going this summer.
 I want to spend LOTS of quality time with my babies...when I say quality I mean, playing games, reading books, riding bikes, having picnics, playing in general, having sleepovers...the whole she-bang!  I want to enjoy every minute with them!!
 Go back to the beach!!  6 weeks...can't wait!
 Get a head start on planning his 2nd B'day party!  I know once school starts, I'll forget about planning and have to throw something together last minute and I do NOT want that...
We're doing a Pirate Party and I've already been pinning like crazy!

Drink more water...y'all...I'm bad...really bad about drinking water.  
I need to do better.
Exercise...I hate it!  
There's nothing about it that sounds enticing to me...but, I need to walk...I have this treadmill upstairs at my house and it never gets used...
Learn how to cook some new dishes...that are quick and easy...things I can make during hectic school life.
And, work a little on school stuff...I have a *few* (doesn't even begin to say how many) things on my to do list that I want to get done in 8 weeks!

What are you doin' this summer?
Have a favorite recipe?  Leave the link below :)
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