Finally, hop on over to Blog Hoppin' for the GINORMOUS Merry & Bright Giveaway. Two winners will win over 30 units! Go enter all ends tomorrow!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Christmas Crafts & Writing Activities and Blog Hoppin' Giveaway
My twinsie, Amy, and I collaborated on a Christmas Craft & Writing packet. Check out the preview below if you are interested. Click the pic to take you to the product. First one to comment here gets it free. Don't forget your e-mail. I would LOVE for you to follow Amy's store and like Mrs. Lee's KinderKids on Facebook.
Friday, November 30, 2012
New Christmas Unit and Black Friday Shopping Hours and
Okay girls, (and maybe the occasional guy) one guessed the number of hours I spent shopping on Black Friday corectly. So, I'm going to give my Polar Express Unit to the first guess that was the closest...which was 15...and Crystal (K5Rocks) is the winner! I'll be e-mailing you soon!
I actually spent a total of 22 hours shopping!! Yes...insane, but SO MUCH FUN! This is a family tradition that we've been doing since I was in middle school I guess. Both of my parents go, my sister, sister-n-law, aunt, and bestie always go. Now, my dad is the bag holder and car loader for us. He likes to "people watch", but gets stuck holding a bunch of bags and makes tons trip after trip to the car. This year, we started at 11 pm and got home the next night at 9 pm. My wonderful husband took care of the baby...he's awesome by the way! A PRO at baby stuff and my girls spent the weekend with cousins from out of town. I got tons of shopping done...Yay!
If you are a first or second grade teacher PLEASE check out my sister's store and blog and follow her if you will. She's been on tpt for a few months now but I would love it if you would follow her. She has some great little packets and "stuff" available...and it's cheap!
Check out her new Christmas Literacy Pack. It has some cute little pages that are ready to print and use...little or no prep time. Thanks friends! You're the BEST!
Last, click the picture below to visit my newest creation...Holly Jolly Christmas with DJ Inkers clipart (By request)! So Cute!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
TPT Sale Cyber Monday and Polar Express Unit
Hello all! Long time no blog huh? I am keeping busy with my new little one at home and he is doing great! Thanks for all who have checked in on us! :) Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did. God has blessed my family SO!
I am joining in on the Cyber Monday plus Bonus Tuesday sale at TPT! Hope you all get some serious shopping done for the upcoming months! :) There are so many great things out there that I could def. put into good use in my classroom once I return. Click the picture above to go straight to my store.
I have just completed my new Polar Express Unit. If you are interested in it CLICK HERE. There are some fun things in it that align perfectly with Common Core. I literally study what my daughter brings home in her folder since I'm not at work right now and am making games she could benefit from. I'm working on a new Christmas math and literacy too...hopefully it will be up soon!
Oh, and thanks to everyone who played in my Halloween Giveaway! I def. did e-mail the winner, but never got it posted that I chose someone...but I did. :) It's so hard to post when you don't have your laptop on hand.
Here are my December Unts already available in my store. Click the pic to go to the unit.
First person to guess how many straight hours of Black Friday shopping I did this past weekend will get my Polar Express unit for FREE. :) Don't forget your e-mail!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
New Stuff...
Hi all! Well, since I'm out on maternity leave my computer is at school with my sub...I've been using my husband's iPad to make posts. I'm not really sure how to get pictures on my posts from this they are a little boring. (Wait, I think I figured it you see the pics at the top?).
Anywho...I wanted to tell you about my new tpt stuff. I have added a new Search and Find Sight Words pack set 1 and Turkey Time Common Core Math Centers. Since I'm not working at the moment I've been studying what my daughter brings home in her folder to see what they are doing in class. These centers will be perfect for my classroom next year for common core and I hope you find them helpful too. I'm working on the literacy set too. Hope to be done with those tomorrow. If you are interested check them out HERE and HERE.
Happy Wednesday!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Trick or treat sale...and...
Head on over to my tpt shop and grab some treats!
Plus check out the other great sales too!
Thanks to Abby for making this cute little graphic!
Many of you had asked for my Teddy's in my store now...probably a little too late but I'm limited on time these days. Also, I added Halloween Common Core Math centers to my store too. I wish I had pictures to share some of the games. I think they will be really fun! And, my Halloween Literacy Centers will be ready today. I know...too late but they will be there for next year.
Anybody have suggestions or needs for November or December?
Comment below with your favorite thing about Halloween and I will randomly choose someone to win both of my new Halloween packs!! Don't forget to leave your email.
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Quick little post...
Hello everyone! So, I had my precious baby boy last Monday and I have just been so consumed with him! He is the cutest thing I've ever seen! I cannot get enough of him. So, needless to say, I have had no time to blog or work on tpt stuff! Hopefully I will b feeling tons better next week and can get back into the groove of things. I know many of you have emailed with questions and have left questions on tpt...I hope to answer those as soon as I can. Finding the time is the issue for now. Hope you all have a fabulous week!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Oh my goodness! I've had so many e-mails for the apple investigation and teddy bear exploration pages that I have finally uploaded them for FREE to my tpt store! It's been on my to do list...but you know how that goes. You can get the Apple Investigation Here and the Teddy Exploration Here.
Okay, and I also finished my Search & Find Alphabet Edition packet and you can find it HERE.
Happy Monday!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
All About Me Winner!
Wow! Thanks so much for playing everyone! And...of course y'all are the sweetest, most complimentary blogger friends EVER! I read every. single. comment...and it just made my day! I decided to choose 2 winners!
Congratulations to KBurdick # 19!
And Sarah Hetrick! #77
Congrats! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
Friday, September 14, 2012
All About Me Unit!
Hi Friends! I'm so exhausted so this will be short and sweet! I've had tons of requests for an "All About Me" unit...well, it's done! It has already been posted to tpt and I bought a DJ Inkers commercial license so this unit is full of DJ Inkers Cuteness!! Check out some of our centers and activities for the week. You can check out my unit HERE.
We picked letters out of a bag and found it and traced it on our paper.
Sorting letters and numbers
Practicing reading our sight words and writing them
Our weekly pocket chart story using our HF words and color words. This was great because I had several students reading the sentences...they were so happy they could READ!
I hung up these boys with letters around the room...students had to search for them and then trace the letter once it was found
So fun!
Fun little shape matching game
Number sequence game
This activity went perfect with our new Go Math Series and Common Core
Patterning...and they did SO GOOD!
We made these cute little presents with letter tiles to spell our names
More Name Fun!
We made "ourselves"...LOVE how they always turn out with cute little personalities
Here we are measuring our friends with yarn...Seriously the kids loved this more than any other group I've done this with...they were SO into it!
Here's what we did with our yarn after measuring
This envelope held our string on the back of our little poem and self portrait
I'll give this unit away to 1 random person who comments....ummm....sometime tomorrow (Sept 15th).
Thanks for reading!!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Color Fun and Brown Bear!
We just finished up our Brown Bear Unit and our Color Days! Those days are always so much fun! Check out some of the things we did. The activities you see below can be found in my Best Selling Brown Bear Unit (except the texture book...I've included a link to it below) plus tons of other ideas and activities.
We made "Rainbow Hair" to wear to lunch!
To make this just cut strips of colors of the rainbow and print out the words Rainbow Hair to glue to a sentence strip. I always cut my sentence strips in half long ways to save on strips.
We sorted M&M's on our Brown Bear M&M Sorting page
This was one of our math centers...Sorting bears by color
We completed all of our Color Pages like the ones below
Another math center...roll and dot shapes...This is one of our first "roll" games where we learn how to take turns and pass the cube.
We finished the pages to our Brown Bear Texture Book...this is one of my favorite things we do all year...and the kids LOVE it...they always ask, "What are we going to put on the animal today?"
We made our little David's the very first week of school and I forgot to take a pic. We also completed the peacemaker peacebreaker chart...this can be found in my I'm a Peacemaker packet on tpt.
And, I LOVE this too! We read Miss Nelson is Missing and we made Viola Swamp. We will add a sentence to this activity that says Miss Nelson is Missing! Kids will write the sight word is. I've also got this on tpt if you are interested. The kids think it's funny to make the "witch" from the story. And, we always say how we have to behave because we sure don't want Viola Swamp to visit our room.
Check out these new games I got from Lakeshore! I am loving these. We just got them in on Friday so I know my students are ready to break into them! These are perfect for beginning of the year.

I've got 2 new packs that I'm almost finished with so keep checking back for those! Hopefully they will be posted this week!
To check out other fun ideas from previous years click the links below!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
I'm Back with My First Week of Full Days Fun!
Well, since my last post my twinsie had her precious baby girl, so to say the least I've been wrapped up in all of that. I totally missed the rest of Teacher Week at Blog Hoppin' sorry! I've not even touched my computer to work on Freebies for you guys or TPT stuff in over a month! I hope to get back on that soon. We are getting back into the swing of things in K...I took a few pics this week, but my camera, or battery died (again) so some of them are on there.
We started learning colors and shapes this week using Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?
I didn't take pics of all of our pages for our color book, but here we are using a marshmallow to paint our frogs green...we mixed yellow and blue food coloring to sponge on the color...then the best part? We ATE it!!
We are in full swing building our rainbows...this positive reinforcement systems works GREAT for me...the kids love it!
My K helper...*yes our system gets us helpers for the first 2 weeks of K* (we don't have aides, but we are fortunate enough to have someone for 2 weeks) made this little chart to go with our rainbows...when a student completes their rainbow, they get to choose a coupon. The coupon goes in their little pocket. This is the only way I could come up with keeping up with who chose what and when they redeem it. Sometimes several students finish their rainbow at the same time so I needed a way to keep up with it. I had 5 students complete their rainbow on Friday and several more are very close!
We are working super hard to do our best work!
Aren't these adorable? We made these the first week after reading The Kissing Hand. You can find the patterns and directions for this little activity in my store HERE.
We made shapes with craft sticks. I had the students build them first after talking in depth about squares. Then they glued them to their paper.
We read Go Away Big Green Monster on green day and made this little cutie! It also went perfect with our shape study about circles.
I did this last year and had to do it again. Painting is just more fun when you use food!
My K helper made these "pick me" sticks...I always use these during whole group activities to change up ways to call on students.
We played in shaving cream to draw shapes during math!
In art center this week, we painted rainbows using Q-Tips...GREAT fine motor practice! Plus they are colorful and will look great hanging up!
I've had several questions as to how I start centers in my room so I hope I can get back with answers to that soon!
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