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Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkin Party!!

Hey y'all!  Thought I'd make a quick post and show you my newest pumpkin centers.  They were so much fun!  I like my other ones too but I wanted something a little different than what I had used in the past.  I also had some different skills I wanted to include in our practice.   So, I made this Pumpkin Party Unit and I'm so glad I did...my kids loved them.

Here's pictures of what the centers look like.  You can find all of these HERE.

Now...I'm trying to figure out how to get more comments on my blog posts so I don't feel like they are for "nothing".  :)  If I can get 20 comments I'll put this little packet on sale!!  
Also, I'm trying to reach 7,000 followers on TPT for my next little goal.  When I get 7,000 followers I will put 7 products of mine on sale for $7.00!
You can follow my store HERE.  


  1. I LOVE your blog and your ideas!!! I "follow" through Chalktalk's blog!! Whenever I need a "go to" idea- I ALWAYS check your blog first!! I LOVE the phonics pumpkin puzzles- your pig example- way TOOO cute!! Keep up the great work!!! Maribeth in Ohio

  2. I read every single blog post! Your ideas are always awesome! I've been following you for years...so sorry that I don't comment more often! Thanks for always sharing what you do and for being so creative!! :-)


  3. I love reading your blog! You are such a great teacher and so inspiring! :)
    Mrs. Black's Bees

  4. We are using these centers in our classroom this week and my kids LOVE them! I think I must own EVERYTHING you create, Julie! Your blog is awesome, too!

  5. I follow your store and love your ideas. :)

  6. Julie, I think you have the most creative ideas! I am constantly checking to see if you've posted or referring to your older posts for ideas for my classroom! Please keep sharing! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This pack is on my wishlist! Sorry I don't always take time to comment, but your blog and products are my favorite!!!!! Thanks for sharing your fabulous creative ideas! I'm always excited when you have a new blog post up or something new on TpT. I read every one!

  9. Thank you so much for blogging all of your wonderful ideas and activities! You are so creative! My kids love you TPT products and this pumpkin unit looks awesome!!

  10. Your pumpkin party looks like so much fun! I love to theme it up each month with materials, and you have made some really creative and interesting activities for your students to engage in. The number sequencing 'pumpkin parade' is my favorite :) I have been following your blog and store for some time now, so don't feel like this is 'for nothing'-I am just terrible at commenting after reading your posts!

  11. I think your blog is one of the best. I can always get great ideas from you that are both meaningful for the students and do-able for me. Thanks for posting!

  12. I love your blog! Great photos and great ideas!

  13. I may not always post but when I do, I show my appreciation and say thanks! (Spoken in the voice of "the most interesting man in the world"!) :-)

  14. Omg...I love this...I hope this will be on sell soon.

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